If you are reading this post, I know it's because you too have struggled with the idea of what it means to be a perfect mom. Well... spoiler alert... you aren't perfect! I know that might be hard to read, but you have to know and believe that it's the truth.
Now the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines perfection as "flawlessness" and one thing I've learned about motherhood is that no part of it is flawless! Most days you will find yourself sitting in the midst of chaos. It's hard to accept that perfection doesn't exist in motherhood when we see the Pinterest pins or the highlight reels of other moms on social media. So what do you have to do, well you have to say goodbye to being the perfect mom!

One thing that I've found helpful for myself and with my clients, is the ability to adopt the following mindset: "It's not about being perfect, but about doing my best". Remember that your motherhood experience is unique to you! So, this means that you have to stop comparing yourself to others and focus more on making the best of your journey.
Here are some useful steps you can take as you work on releasing yourself from the standard of perfection:
Explore the expectations you have for yourself as a mom. Are those standards the ones that you have created or are they based on the expectations of others? Identify how you want to show up as a mom and explore the steps you need to take to get there.
Accept that you CANNOT do it all on your own! Surround yourself with a community of support and reach out to them whenever you need to.
Create a list of positive affirmations to remind yourself about your purpose and how special you are as a mom. Below are just a few examples!

I'd love to hear from you! Still struggling with this?!? Well, share what the hardest part has been for you. Leave a comment below and let me know what you've done to help you let go of the idea of being the perfect mom!